When we start searching for a workplace, we automatically think of a CURRICULLUM VITAE. Complete information is to be found in speciality books, but not everyone has access to these. First questions you are asking yourself regarding a CV.

1. How long does it have to be? 2. How can we compress all our occupational experience on one page? 3. What does it have to be taken out and what to turn to account from the personal experience?

Before drawing up the CV, it is good to know that a CV is not an autobiography. That is why there has to be made a difference between the important things and the ones less important.

Employers take into account these things when they have many CVs and have to sort them. Your CV has to overlook this phase.

To test your CV, you can put yourself some questions: 1) Is an employer able to see my abilities in 10-15 seconds? 2) Is the information pertinent? Does it catch the employer's attention? 3) Does this CV reveal my capabilities?